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Published on July 20, 2024

Fellowship Corner: Meet Dr. Paxton Ting

In every edition of the CanSAGE News, we shine a spotlight on a fellow from a different MIS fellowship program.

Where are you from, and where did you complete your medical training?

My family is from Hong Kong. We moved to Vancouver when I was 10, and I grew up in Richmond. I completed my undergraduate degree in microbiology and immunology at UBC, then moved to the University of Alberta in Edmonton for medical school. I pursued my residency training at the University of Calgary.

What made you decide to pursue this fellowship at the University of British Columbia – Fraser Health Authority?

Mentorship during residency was a significant factor. I was fortunate to match with my academic advisor, Dr. Katherine Lo, in the first week of residency. She is the program director for the MIS program and has been a tremendous inspiration. As I explored the subspecialty further, mentors like Dr. Liane Belland, Dr. Michael Secter, and Dr. Ari Sanders, all MIS-trained, had a huge influence on me. They helped shape my career path, leading me to pursue further training in fellowship.

I was also able to do many electives in the specialty, which confirmed my decision to pursue a fellowship. I will gain as much OR experience in one year as it would otherwise take up to five years to get as a new grad. This volume of experience will make me more confident and a better surgeon.

I know you’re just starting, but what do you think makes this fellowship program unique?

I did a month-long elective with this MIS program and had an incredible experience. The attendings were extremely welcoming and treated me as one of their own. They took me skiing, invited me for board game nights, and I trained under six MIS-trained mentors who received their training across Canada. This diversity in training approaches and techniques is important to me.

I appreciate that this is a one-year intensive program focusing on surgical competency, approaches to complex gynecological care, and advanced ultrasound. The program is based in the Fraser Health Authority, one of Canada’s fastest-growing health regions, offering exposure to a high volume of complex cases.

Additionally, Vancouver is home for my partner and me. It feels like returning home, and it’s a beautiful place to live. What’s not to love?

What are your areas of interest from a surgical standpoint?

Several of my mentors in Calgary focus on advanced gynecological surgery in the context of infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss, advanced stage endometriosis, and Asherman’s syndrome. My program is very flexible, and my mentors are well-trained in these areas.

Seeing someone undergo surgery, have a successful pregnancy, and then deliver their baby is the best feeling in the world. I want to emulate that in my future practice.

Do you have any hobbies?

I love climbing. I started because one of my mentors suggested working on my forearm strength when I began residency. I started with top-rope indoor climbing and fell in love with it. I’m hoping to venture into outdoor climbing in the next couple of years.

I also enjoy cooking; it’s very calming and therapeutic. I love learning about new cultures through new recipes. I also enjoy team sports like basketball or pickleball, which I can play with friends. Being in Vancouver, hiking will be amazing—driving out to Whistler or Squamish and hiking along the coast.

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