CanSAGE Research Grants
Two grants, in the amount of $2,500 each, will be available for 2023-2024.
Application due date to be announced.
Overview of the Grant Program
The CanSAGE research grant is a catalyst grant for gynecologic research, targeted to early-career clinicians, for pilot work that will produce data for a future larger grant application.
Target Area
The CanSAGE research grant is targeted to the field of gynecology, with preference for topics relevant to minimally invasive surgery, endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibroids, pelvic pain, and abnormal uterine bleeding.
The principal applicant must be a CanSAGE member in Canada who is an OB/GYN Resident, MIGS Fellow, or Gynecologist in the first 5 years of practice.
Submit the following materials as part of your application:
Title Page
1 page maximum, including:
- Team description: Principal applicant, mentor, co-applicants, collaborators, patient partners. As the principal applicant will be an early-career investigator, they should choose a middle-career or senior investigator as a mentor.
- Names, positions, affiliations of each team member.
- Contact information for the principal applicant.
3 pages maximum, 2cm margins, single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman.
Figures and tables are separate to the 3 page maximum. References should be attached in the Appendix.
- 0.5 page: Introduction.
- 1.5 page: Methods (including Objective, Aims, Hypothesis, Sample Size Estimation, Timelines).
- 0.5 page: Expected outcomes and significance; Knowledge Translation.
- 0.5 page: Future research and plans to apply for a future larger grant application.
Mentor Letter of Support
1 page maximum that describes the mentorship plan and institutional support (research space, statistical services, etc).
- Submitted for Applicant and Mentor.
- 3 pages maximum, free form, and can include but not limited to: training background, current position, peer-reviewed publications (provide #’s and examples of recent work), current grants.
- References.
- Other letters of support (optional).
- Itemized budget (1 page maximum).